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Here at St. Marcus Fine Foods, we’re all about food.

With over three decades of experience in butchery under our belt, we think we’ve earned our stripes when it comes to preparing meat. Not to mention our history with curing and crafting top quality Biltong, Droëwors, and Stokkies. We’ve taken the same level of care we apply to our own products, to find recipes that will compliment them. After all, food should be a celebration and how better than to marry flavours together in glorious harmony.


Read recipeChocolate cake slice of cake
26th January 2022
Chocolate Coffee Cake »

Here’s our ode to National Chocolate Cake Day! A rather grown up cake, perhaps for a special occasion, with chocolate and coffee singing in perfect harmony. Ingredients CHOCOLATE COFFEE CAKE

Read recipeCape Malay Curry
11th January 2022
Cape Malay Curry »

We’ve spoken about the wonderful aromatics of Cape Malay cooking once before, in our Koeksister recipe, but instead of using the power of spice for sweet treats, we’re turning our

Read recipeSmoothie bowl powder
5th January 2022
Kiwi Moringa Ice Cream Smoothie Bowl »

100% plant based packed with Moringa and Spirulina goodness, topped off with some super nutritious Kiwi Fruit. Refreshing, satisfying and containing an array of nutrients, it’s the perfect way to get

Read recipeAmarulaCarrot Cake
1st July 2021
Amarula Carrot Cake »

Say what now? AMARULA carrot cake? No, your eyes are not deceiving you; we really did take a perfectly delicious carrot cake and made it a gazillion times more yummy

Read recipeRooibos-peach-punch
23rd June 2021
Rooibos Peach Punch »

If you’re anything like us, Rooibos Peach Punch is a dream come true! We love a good cuppa Rooibos and we love a tall glass of refreshing peach ice-tea, which

Read recipeCreamy Amarula Dom Pedro
18th March 2021
Creamy Amarula Dom Pedro »

Creamy, delicious and sure to win your guests over. This Amarula Dom Pedro recipe is easy to follow and sure to impress.

Read recipeFrench toast
9th February 2021
Spur Style French Valentine’s Toast!  »

  Spur Style French Valentine’s Toast! Have it for breakfast, have it for a snack, have it for dinner… Enjoy it whenever you like! BASIC INGREDIENTS 3 extra-large eggs 125

Read recipeamarula malva pudding
17th December 2020
Amarula Malva Pudding »

This Malva Pudding is a very popular and traditional dish made in South Africa. With the addition of Amarula, it is even better. That is if you are over 18

Read recipeHertzoggies
8th December 2020
Hertzoggies/ Hertzog Cookies »

Hertzoggies or Hertzog Cookies are delicious little mouthfuls of coconut and apricot jam goodness. They literally melt in your mouth. Their strange name comes from South African prime minister J.B.M

Read recipe
9th May 2018
Biltong-crusted Fillet Steak with Burnt Butter Sauce »

This biltong-crusted steak recipe is from Jan braai. The only secret ingredient for this recipe is what I call ‘biltong powder’. We sell it or you can simply make your